- List Not available until auction day
- Guaranteed 220 Guns / 100 Boxes factory ammunition
- Approx. 25 NIB Guns including (6) Bushmaster AR-15’s; Browning X-Bolts / T-Bolts
- 15-20 Misc. Calibers Ammo (Rimfire, Pistol, Rifle, 20,000 Rounds plus)
- Auction to be held inside Tent
- Bring your Lawn chair…..& enjoy the Day!!
- Concessions available—Restrooms Provided
- TERMS: Cash, Credit Card, In-State Checks ONLY!
- Sales Tax will be charged unless eligible exemption certification provided
- FFL’s must provide copy of FFL and OKLA Tax Exempt Certificate
- ATF Form 4473 Required ( Provided at Auction) NO EXCEPTIONS!
- ONLY “Proceed” Responses will be allowed to Purchase guns at this Auction
- All Announcements day of Auction super cede ALL Advertisements