Gene McPherson Trust – Equipment AUCTION
2003 John Deere 7220 2 WD Tractor (1014 hrs), like new 18.4-38 Radial Tires, w/726 FEL, Bucket, Grapple / 2007 John Deere 4995 Self Propelled Swather (650 hrs), w/995 Disc Mower Header, 16 ft /2000 John Deere 469 Mega Wide Plus Cover Edge Round Baler (4831 bales)
Special Addition: 3607 Feet 4 1/2 inch Pipe, JD Zero Turn Lawn Mower, Shop Items / Tools Not previously Listed
H-S Model BF-12H High Capacity (12 wheel) Hay Rake; 2009 Bobcat S-250 Skid Loader w/ Bucket; DI Grubber 72 Grapple-Rake; 2009 Marshall Turbo Saw; Bobcat Pallet forks; John Deere 550-C Dozer (6ft/6 way Blade,ROPS); 100 gal. Fuel Tank w/ GPI pump on Trailer, 300 gal. Heavibilt Broadcast Spray Rig(PTO w/hand wand); 1992 W-W 6x24ft Gooseneck Stock Trailer(torsion axles); 2001 Chevy 2500HD Pickup(48159 miles),2-WD, Auto, Gas; (2) Qty 3-Point Quick Latch; 16ft Gooseneck Hay Trailer; PTO Quick Connect; (2) 16ft Bumper Pull Trailers; (2) John Deere 1010 Pull Type Field Cultivators w/ Harrows; John Deere H 1300 Disc; LandPride 7ft BrushHog; 10ft Aerway Pasture Aerator w/cemet weghts(used very little); 3 pt Angle Blade, Howse RTS-50 PTO Tiller; Vassar 3 pt Post Auger; 5-Shank Big Ox, 300 gal. Overhead Fuel Tank, 3 pt Barbed Wire Roller; SET 18.34 Duals; 1988 Chevy 3500 Flatbed Pickup(454 engine); 12 ft Pull Type Land Leveler; 9-Yard Pull Type Earth Mover; 2-Wheel Military Trailer; W-W 5×14 Bumper Pull Stock trailer; Vermeer TR-90 Hay Tetherer; 3-Pt Gopher Getter; John Deere EZ Flow type Seeder; Shopbuilt Grass Seed Sweeper; Seed Cleaner/Bagger; JD Shop Heater; Heavy Duty Shop table; Work Benches; Shop Press; Drill Press; Heavy Duty Cherry Picker; Large Vise; Miller Thunderbolt 225 Welder; SKS Super Marker; Assorted Hand Tools; DR Trimmer/Weed Eater; Fimco 40 gal. Lawn Sprayer; (4) ROLLS New JD Net Wrap; 2-Man Bass Boat on Trailer; 3-Shank Big-Ox; JD 4-Bottom Plow; JD 5-Bottom Plow; International 350 14ft Tandem Disc; 12ft Graham Heome Chisel Plow; 3-pt 4 Row Cultivator; (2) John Deere RWA Tandem Disc (8ft & 14ft); JD 8000 Grain Drill; Hesston 9ft Swather; Krause 12ft Offset Disc; Pop-Up Hay Loader; Drag Type Springtooth; Several Farm/Work Trucks in need of repair; Round Bale Feeders; Mineral Feeder; Square Tote Tank; ASSORTED OTHER Farm Related Items
Location: 316 NW 12th Ave Norman, OK 37072 (Auction Location is One Mile West of Libby’s Café in Goldsby, OK)
Preview Personal Property Friday April 26th, 10 am-5 pm
Bank Letter of Credit required on Large Item Equipment Purchases
All items must be removed Day of Auction
TERMS: Cash, Credit Card, In-State Checks ONLY!
Sales Tax will be charged unless exemption certification provided
Announcements made day of auction super-cede all advertisements
Not responsible for accidents
Call for specific questions