Location: Proffessional Animal Health Services, 2005 South Main Newcastle, OK ( 2 miles South of town on West side of Hwy 62)
This auction is a liquidation of Arnett Farms with consignments from area neighbors. New consignments will be accepted until 6pm Friday, April 12th.
- TERMS: Cash, Credit Card, In-State Checks ONLY!
- Sales Tax will be charged unless exemption certification provided
- Announcements made day of auction supercede all advertisements
- Merchandise must be removed by 6pm April 14, 2013. Load out available.
- Concessions available—Restrooms Provided
PARTIAL LISTING: 2005 Ford Diesel feed truck with bale bed & feeder, 1980’s model 1 ton gas engine with bale spike bed, 185 New Holland Manure spreader, 125 cc 4 wheeler, feed troughs, 2 ton cattle feeder, lots of wood palets, 2 row planter, single 3pt ripper, small dozer blade, 10 ft 3pt spring tooth, 470 feed grinder owatanna, 5 ft angle blade, 8 ft spring tooth 3 pt cultivator, 2006 New Holland LS 160 skid steer loader, 12 ft JD seed spreader (1970’s model), PTO driven cement mixer, (3) 18.4- R38 used tractor tires (1 with wheel), 14 ft JD 1380 hay cutter, lawn mower trailer, 214 John Deere baler (needs work), JD Four bottom plow, 500 gallon diesel tank with stand, 12 ft spring tooth 3pt, 16 ft by 5 cattle trailer, 10 ft JD tandem disk, Oldsmobile car, (3) golf carts, 300 4WD Polaris automatic ATV, 500 4WD Polaris automatic ATV, Commercial lawn mower, Dune Buggy (no engine), 1978 Custom mud truck, 1981 Malibu station wagon, Sky lift 34 ft 4000 lb lift, Case 488 LL construction tractor, 18 ft stock trailer, lots of pallets, (2) Manual cattle squeeze chute, walk behind Rototiller, 10 ft Rhino brush hog, 5000 lb lift (moore auto crane), Ford 4000 Industrial gas tractor, 24 ft flat bed Goose neck trailer-May brand, Ford diesel F450 4 wheel drive flat bed, 20 bales grass hay (this year’s cut), 1 set 18.4 x 34 Rear Duals with all brackets, 2 ton cattle feeder, calf working chute, cattle & goat panels, shade cloth, tire machine, 1992 24ft custom Pontoon boat with new trailer, Creep feeder, lots of misc tools and shop supplies, (3) trane central heat & air units (used), Golf cart, 12 ft aluminum V bottom boat, flat bed for long bed, 2001 Ford F-350 2WD (190K miles), 20’ gooseneck flat bed trailer with 5ft dove tail / load ramps, 18’ Tye stubble drill, Gehl grinder mixer, barrel sprayer, tool boxes, diesel tanks, misc tools, 2480 ft of 2 7/8” pipe, 2480 ft of 2 3/8” pipe, deer stand, 7.50 X 16 tires, livestock tubs, water pumps, generator, auto crane, household supplies, portable corral system, antique cars,(4) John Deere Tractors, New Holland 1432 Discbine-Flail (Nice), industrial tools, Bushog 6ft PTO tiller, John Deere 4030 w/148 loader, popup hay loader, trash pump, JD 2600 plow, JD 1910 chisel, fence posts, propane tanks, sucker rods, 32 ft gooseneck stock trailer, and much more.