To be AUCTIONED between December 2012 and March 2013. 2013 Auction Dates “To Be Announced” after Holidays.
- The following picture list is partial.
- There are many more guns unwrapped or still in the box at this time.
- Every gun will be auctioned at some point in time between December 2012 and March 2013.
- Dates, Times, Places, and Type of Guns will be posted on webpage. Keep “checking in”.
- All Class 3 firearms will be auctioned in 2013. ALL ATF Regulations will apply and WILL be enforced.
- The proper paperwork/stamps/documents are in place with respective guns.
- Use our contact form for specific questions.
- Pictures are NOT repeats. Pay NO attention to the red evidence tag number.
- A separate number system will be used for auction purposes.